Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rebound Cycle

So this is the pattern I happen---no, no. RUT is a much better term. I feel fat, go overboard, rebound and eat terribly to feel better, which makes me feel worse, so then I feel fat, go overboard, etc. I'm getting rather sick of this cycle. The worst part is I'm now hooking up with this kid who might as well have an eating disorder of his own and HATES food. I don't get it.

My plan is to secretly make him fat while I get skinny. It's perfect. I have the satisfaction of cooking, but really he is shoveling all of it into his mouth. Also, if I do want a bite... I can have a nibble without feeling like I'm wasting the food.

Regardless, this scale is about to go flying out the window. Seriously tempted by the idea. Starting Saturday, I'm going on the Master Cleanse diet. Actually, I might start the 17th. Do you really have to take laxatives during those 10 days? My body does not agree with laxatives at all...

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