Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I'm tired, stressed, and annoyed to boot. But I will keep up with the promises I've made to myself.

B: diet coke & caesar pita
L: junk / leftovers -> tortilla chips & chicken taco mix
D: grilled cheese
S: milk & cucumber (at different times, ew lol)

Consumed: 864 cals

Exercises: Slim in 6 - Ramp it Up & 10 min trainer - cardio
I skipped my Brazil butt lift stuff for the day... I feel bad, I will make it up Thursday though

Burned: 460 cals

Net: 1195 cals fewer than my weight maintenance + 460 burned cals = 1655 total calorie daily loss
Losing at about 8 oz daily, 3.3 lbs per week, & 14.2 monthly

On a random note, my scale said 126, 127.5, 124.5 on Sunday (separate weigh ins obviously). On Monday, it showed around 125 & 124, so I figured I'd shoot for the higher weigh-in. This morning it said 122.5... when I was in my workout clothes and shoes. I normally subtract a pound and a half for my shoes, so I didn't believe the reading... I stripped right there to weigh myself and sure enough, 121.0 lbs. I was 122.5 at the end of the night. Now, don't get me wrong, I know that scales fluctuate depending on what you eat, if you're dehydrated, the time of day, etc. But there's something wrong with my scale that would give a 6 lbs variance in two days. How annoying. I wonder what it will say tomorrow.

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